Federal Accreditation Commission

The Federal Accreditation Commission (AKKO) established by the Federal Council advises the authorities involved in accreditation on all matters related to accreditation. Interested parties, particularly from the business world, are represented in it.

The members of the Federal Accreditation Commission

Name Company Representation of interests
Weber Hans-Jürg
Präsident AKKO
ETHZ ret. Electrical energy supply
Assi Fabiano
Dr. Sc. Tech.
Avak Björn
Dr. sc. ETH
Baroke Volker
Dipl. Ing. für Lebensmitteltechnologie
Emmi Schweiz AG Food
Binz Pierre-Alain
CHUV Medical laboratories
Dazio Stefano
Dipl. Ing. EPFL, EMBA
Losinger Marazzi AG Construction
Fuchs Klaus
EUROLAB Testing and calibration laboratories
Gontarz Adam Martin
Dr. sc. ETH
Swissmem Economy
Huber Mikael
Dr. Phil.
Union suisse des arts et des métiers USAM Industry
Schuhmann Peggy Migros Genossenschafts-Bund, Swiss Quality Testing Services Food
Sigg Frank Babette
Schweizerisches Konsumentenforum kf Consumers